In a ceremony held on Wednesday, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences unveiled a groundbreaking device for root canal treatment called Dpex. The device, developed by Dr. Mohammad Hossein Nekofar, a faculty member of Tehran’s Faculty of Dentistry, is aimed at opening natural blocked root canals.
Dr. Mohammad Pahlevan-Kashi, the university’s director of public relations, described Dpex as a significant innovation on a global scale. He highlighted that the device, developed in collaboration with a Chinese company, is primarily used to open closed root canals and is already in use in various countries worldwide.
Dr. Pahlevan-Kashi expressed pride in the device’s unveiling at the Dentistry College of Mashhad, emphasizing its importance in the field of health. He emphasized the significance of this widely utilized device in the health sector and its contribution to advancing healthcare practices.
The development of Dpex marks a major achievement in the field of health technology. Dr. Nekofar’s innovation showcases Iran’s capabilities in pioneering advancements in medical devices and reaffirms the country’s commitment to enhancing healthcare treatments.